Saturday, April 08, 2006

Second Chance

Recently, I have got some issue with one of my friends
(to whom I'll refer as "A").
I have treated her in insensitive way and still waiting for a good time
to say sorry. And guess what, yesterday, I have got a strange
message which really shocks me....
Dear A's friend

I may not know you personally. But I have your address from Hi 5.
I just knew the sad news about A from her sister, P' B , that A has passed away on Wednesday night.

I know that A's family do not have time to tell all A's friends so I try to contact A's friends myself.
I don't know a's friends much. But I know that you may pass this sad news to others.
The funeral has held since yesterday till Sunday the 9th April at 4 pm at xxxx Temple.
Be there to have the memorial of our dearly friend.
At the first moment, I could hardly tell what my feeling is..
Additionally, previous few nights, there was a cat coming into
my house and it kept looking at me.. this incident somehow
inevitably made me believe in the news.
Too many messages & stories went through my numbed head.
I am truly sorry about what I have not done in time.
After letting a bunch of memories stunned me,
I get my conciosness back again.
Then, I called the sender of that message to find out what happened.....
The fact is that A who passed away has the same name with my friend.
Phew.......I am lucky enough that god gave me the second chance
to say sorry.

For those who read this blog, I am truly sorry
if I have done anything bad to you. - -"
(I may have done that with my subconcious..
I did not mean to do that at all...)
Pls forgive me coz I never know how many times god will give me
the second chance again....and I would say I love you all !

For friends of A, who passed away, I am sorry to hear
that bad news na~.


is this a true story?
Yeah.. It's true..
I'll never forget that moment I got
that message :'(
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