Sunday, December 11, 2005

s+b's 10 Most Enduring Ideas

"......Some comment writers took us to task for superficiality. “To be honest,” Charles Handy wrote, “I think a lot of these are just glorified common sense.” Others accused us of rehashing old concepts (“That chestnut again?”) or carelessness with our categorization. “Some of these aren’t ‘ideas,’” noted Warren Bennis. “They’re strategy or action steps.” On the other hand, the survey enthralled many; as one anonymous voter put it, “There are a wealth of choices!” In the end, we were gratified that so many people (including Professors Handy and Bennis, who are keenly original and highly influential generators of management thinking in their own right) felt drawn to participate in our modest and informal, but ultimately thought-provoking, survey....." Quoted from s+b

Top 10 Concepts
1. Execution
2. The Learning Organization
3. Corporate Values
4. Customer Relationship Management
5. Disruptive Technology
6. Leadership Development
7. Organizational DNA
8. Strategy-Based Transformation
9. Complexity Theory
10. Lean Thinking